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johansson, celebrity, clothing, dress, shoulder lip, daenerys targaryen, actor, hairstyle, eyebrow Hitomi Honda in a pastel sweater, capturing the essence of youth and serenity amidst a natural backdrop. selena gomez, singer, celebrity, women, girls Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black: Confident Portrait of the Twilight Saga Star ben barnes, chin, facial hair, united kingdom, white collar worker red velvet, kpop, k pop, girl group, korean jisoo, 지수, kim ji soo, 김지수, blackpink kendall jenner, celebrity, women, girls, model celebrity, actor, joint, shoulder, eyelash Miyawaki Sakura with soft pink hair gazes thoughtfully, embodying the essence of youth and beauty. taylor swift, celebrity, fashion, dress, beauty elle fanning, american, actress, celebrity, girls red velvet, 레드벨벳, kpop, k pop, girl group somi, 소미, jeon somi, 전소미, kpop suzy, 수지, bae su ji, 배수지, kpop daniel craig, forehead, chin, human, smile paul walker, car, landscape, antique car, brand arrow, actor, face, eyebrow, forehead red 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